Stay in one of various locations. Looking to park your RV? Looking to stay in a hotel? Follow the link below to check out all of our accommodations.

Stay in one of various locations. Looking to park your RV? Looking to stay in a hotel? Follow the link below to check out all of our accommodations.


For more than 150 years, shoppers from across Northeast Texas and beyond have been coming to the Original First Monday Trade Days in Canton. In the early days, they travelled to Canton to trade horses, livestock, dogs, tools and farm equipment, and to sell homemade items and produce. More than a century later, antiques and collectibles, furniture and home decor, arts and crafts, jewelry and vintage clothing are among the more sought-after items.
In today’s fast-moving world where almost anything can be purchased from a home computer, many marvel at the thousands of shoppers who continue to make the trek to Canton month after month. They say it’s the First Monday experience that keeps them coming back.

The Civic Center space rental is for the sale of antiques and collectibles only. Space is rented on a monthly basis. To apply for a space, please fill out the application below and return to:
First Monday, City of Canton
P.O. Box 665,
Canton, TX 75103.
Please call (903) 567-6556 beginning Tuesday, one week after First Monday, to check on available spaces for the new show. Once you have been assigned a location, you have first option to renew your space.

Trade Center spaces are by application only. They are rented on a monthly basis. Vendors are assigned spaces based on the product they sell and other products sold in the area. Applications should be submitted to the First Monday Log Cabin Office at 800 First Monday Lane on the west side of the grounds (off FM 859). For more information about renting spaces and pricing, you may call (903) 567-6556 according to the dates on the calendar.
For more information regarding guidelines, parking, and more, see our Trade Center Vendor Application linked below

Dry Creek Landing is a 10,000 square-foot lock and leave building. It is not a climate-controlled building, but is well insulated, ventilated and has circulating fans.
Vendor space in Dry Creek Landing is by annual lease only. Vendor space assignments are management decisions. Vendor space requests will be taken into consideration, but we do not guarantee requests. Space rental pricing may be reviewed annually. Pricing is based on size of space leased.
Merchandise will be restricted to that which has been approved on individual applications. Management approval is required for any significant changes or additions to the type of merchandise originally accepted.
Each vendor is required by Texas Law to have a Texas Sales Tax Permit. Contact 1-800-252-5555 for information about obtaining a permit.
Vendors must display and operate their assigned space(s) every First Monday weekend.
Please review our guidelines by clicking here